USDA: pubblicati i nuovi standard per la produzione biologica di bestiame e pollame, viene promosso un mercato biologico più competitivo

Il Segretario all'Agricoltura Tom Vilsack ha presentato in anteprima la norma finale sugli standard per il bestiame e il pollame biologici (OLPS). Questa nuova norma stabilisce standard chiari, forti e coerenti per la produzione di bestiame e pollame biologici, livella le “condizioni di gioco” per gli allevatori, i coltivatori e le aziende biologiche e promuove mercati più equi e competitivi per i loro prodotti, fornendo ai consumatori una maggiore trasparenza sui loro acquisti.

Intake of nutrients (polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocols, and carotenes) and storage efficiency in different slow-growing chickens genotypes reared in extensive systems (PPILOW project)

An extensive rearing system (ERS) for poultry requires an outdoor run, which enhances the foraging activity of chickens. Slow-growing (SG) strains are more adapted to ERS than fast-growing (FG); and generally, have higher levels of bioactive compounds in their meat. The aim of this paper was to assess the storage efficiency of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), tocols and carotenes in the meat of seven commercial SG genotypes (SG1-7).

Intake of nutrients (polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocols, and carotenes) and storage efficiency in different slow-growing chickens genotypes reared in extensive systems

An extensive rearing system (ERS) for poultry requires an outdoor run, which enhances the foraging activity of chickens. Slow-growing (SG) strains are more adapted to ERS than fastgrowing (FG); and generally, have higher levels of bioactive compounds in their meat. The aim of this paper was to assess the storage efficiency of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), tocols and carotenes in the meat of seven commercial SG genotypes (SG1- 7).

Investigations on ribofavin production by wild‑type yeast strain for supplementation of organic feed

Supplementation of vitamin B2 (ribofavin) in poultry feeding is essential. For economic and environmental reasons, ribofavin is now produced biotechnologically, which, in most industrial production, is based on genetically modifed organisms (GMOs). Due to legislation, organic animals must be fed with GMO-free feeds, which also applies to the production processes of vitamin additives in the feed.

Effects of riboflavin supplementation level on health, performance, and fertility of organic broiler parent stock and their chicks

Data from breeder hens and chicks are particularly critical for the development of vitamin B2 recommendations for organic poultry. To test safe thresholds of supplementation, 100 breeder hens (Hubbard JA 57 K) and ten cockerels were allocated to ten housing groups, with each receiving supplementation of either 4.0 (treatment CON) or 2.5 mg (treatment RED) riboflavin per kg feed. After 15 weeks of experimental feeding, 256 eggs were incubated.

The Potential of Locally-Sourced European Protein Sources for Organic Monogastric Production: A Review of Forage Crop Extracts, Seaweed, Starfish, Mussel, and Insects

Published in “Sustainability”. Organic monogastric agriculture is challenged because of a limited availability of regional and organic protein-rich ingredients to fulfill the amino acid requirements. The development of novel feed ingredients is therefore essential.