The scope of evaluating field efficiency of reared Opius concolorreleased to control the olive fly, in the presence of indigenouspopulations interfering with releases results rending them unreliable,RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) molecular marker technique wasproposed to differentiate between indigenous and reared populations.<br />Indigenoussamples were collected from several regions in Puglia-Basilicata-Sardegna. Reared populations were brought from the insectarium ofCagliari -Sardegna.<br />The initiation of a biomolecular work lead tothe setting of a starting protocol, with an adequate extraction method,elements concentration, and primers applied.<br />The preliminaryobservations on laboratory population in comparison with collectedindigenous ones have shown diagnostic markers with NP4 primer of 620bp, and with A10 of 260bp-760bp. The latter could be consideredimportant in monitoring the released insect field efficiency.<br />These findings assure the reliability of the RAPD methodology in evaluating quality of reared Opius at field level. <br /><br /><br />Tesi di Master<br />“Master theses Report” Post-graduate Training Programme <br />Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. Research & Experimentation 2001-2003<br />F.Baldacchino, V. Simeone, T. Sfeir, M.A. Albakri, A.R. Malacrida, G.Gasperi, S. Bertin & L.M. Gomulski. “Indagini preliminari sullapossibile identificazione di popolazioni di Psyttalia (=Opius) concolorSzépligeti (Hymenoptera Braconidae) con l’uso di marcatori RAPD”. XXCongresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, Perugia-Assisi 13-18Giugno 2005. <br /><br /><br />