Since 1989-90, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) has beenclassified as the most harmful insect for table grapes after Lobesiabotrana ( Den et Schiff.)<br />Cultivar“Italia”, the most economically-relevant table grapes variety inApulia, is susceptible to Frankliniella occidentalis which inducestypical halo spots symptoms. Many conventional and IPM control methodshave been developed to limit the attacks of this pest. In contrastlittle has been made for the biological control in the vineyard. Thispresent work aims on one hand to verify the damage of Frankliniella inthe presence of attractive blue flowers of Phacelia tanacetifolia, andon the other to evaluate the predation efficiency of the predatorOrius. In that context, Phacelia tanacetifolia, intercropped betweenrows in the vineyard, blooms at the same time as the vine and can limita possible increase of F. occidentalis population up to 50-70% as theexperiment has shown by trapping or attracting the plant pest. If thepopulation is not numerous during the season, Phacelia could be alone areliable practical way to control this pest and can decrease thepopulation below the threshold level. <br />Orius has succeeded indecreasing F. occidentalis population by limiting the damage up to 7berries per cluster while Orius reared in the Biofactory laboratorieshas shown a lower predation efficiency leading to a higher damage up to14 berries per cluster.<br />In a general way, Orius endogenouspopulation could decrease F. occidentalis damage to a certain level,but it is not so efficient as Phacelia tanacetifolia in our conditions. <br /><br /><br />Tesi di Master<br />“Master theses Report” Post-graduate Training Programme <br />Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. Research & Experimentation 2001-2003<br />SimeoneV., El Khoury Hanna Y., Di Gioia S., Moleas T. “Uva da tavola, prove dilotta alla Frankliniella” In AZBIO Agricoltura e Zootecnia Biologica n.11 Novembre 2003. <br />Simeone V., El Khoury Hanna Y., Di Gioia S.,Moleas T Biological control of Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande in aMediterranean table vineyard through the association with Phaceliatanacetifolia Benth.and the release of an Orius spp predator. in Water,land and food security in arid and semi-arid regions September 6 – 11,2005 Valenzano (BA) Italy <br /><br /><br />