Sono in partenza i bandi per la presentazione di progetti di ricerca sul biologico in ambito H2020. Infatti, la scorsa settimana la Commissione europea ha pubblicato la bozza del Work Programme di H2020 per la SC2 “Societal Challenge 2 – Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy”. La versione definitiva del documento è prevista per la metà di ottobre.
– Tra le call ne compaiono alcune destinate unicamente al settore Biologico:
- SFS 7-2016-2017 Organic Breeding – Increasing the competitiveness of the organic breeding and farming sectors
- SFS 8 -2017 Organic Inputs – Contentious inputs in organic farming
- ERA-Net Core Organic (SFS-19): the Work Programme foresees an extension of ERA-Net Core Organic. The next CORE Organic call is expected at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017
– Altre che in modo esplicito menzionano il biologico:
- SFS 1-2016 Solutions to multiple and combined stresses in crop production
- SFS -2-2016 Teaming up for good: Exploiting the benefits of species diversity in cropping systems
- SFS-6-2016 Weeding – Strategies, tools and technologies for sustainable weed management
- SFS-9-2016 Spot on critical outbreak of pests: The case of Xylella fastidiosa
- SFS- 15-2016-2017 Breeding livestock for resilience and efficiency
- SFS 26 -2016 Legumes – Transition paths to sustainable legume-based farming systems and agri-feed and food chains.
- SFS 27-2017 – Permanent grassland – farming systems and policies
- SFS 28 -2017 Functional Biodiversity – Productivity gains through functional biodiversity – effective interplay of crop pollinators and pest predators
- SFS 29-2017 Socio-Eco-Economics – Socio economics in ecological approaches
- SFS 30 -2017 Closing loops at farm and regional levels to mitigate GHG emissions and environmental contamination: focus on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in agro ecosystems
- SFS-42-2016: Promoting food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture in Africa: the role of innovation
- SFS-44-2016: A joint plant breeding programme to decrease the EU’s and China’s dependency on protein imports
- SFS-48-2017: Resource-efficient urban agriculture for multiple benefits – contribution to the EU-China Urbanisation Partnership
- RUR-06-2016 Crop diversification systems for the delivery of food, feed, industrial products and ecosystems services: from farm benefits to value-chain organisation
- ERA-Net EU-Africa Research and Innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (SFS 41-2016): this ERA-Net should also address organic agriculture
– Attività di cross-catting: al LINK
– IoT-01-2016: Large Scale Pilots – Pilot 2: Smart Farming and Food Security: tema che prevede la realizzazione di progetti pilota su vasta scala nel settore dell’agricoltura di precisione e dell’uso dell’ICT in agricoltura (in entrambe le filiere agroalimentari, convenzionali e biologiche).
– E’ inoltre importante sottolineare che nel Societal Challenge 5 (Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials), si possono trovare differenti call destinate all’agricoltura e alla produzione alimentare sostenibili, ma senza menzionare l’agricoltura biologica.
Infine, 24 al 27 novembre, la Commissione europea organizzerà un InfoWeek sulle call 2016 nella Societal Challenge 2, con un workshop speciale sui progetti multi-attore.
Tutte le informazioni al sito:
HORIZON 2020 – The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Fonte: pt bio – Piattaforma Tecnologica Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica