Organic farming in Italy: figures and statistics for the IFOAM World Congress in Modena

On the occasion of the IFOAM World Congress held in Modena in June,
SINAB has published a special report edited by MAIB – the Mediterranean
Agronomic Institute of Bari. MAIB, through the SINAB project, since the
year 2000 backs the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
Policies (MiPAAF) in the management of the organic farming statistics.
The Report presents the trend of organic farming in Italy, based on the
data supplied to the MiPAAF by the Control Bodies from 2000 up to 2006,
following the EUROSTAT specifics. In its second part the Report
includes the data related to imports of organic products from Third
Countries in 2007. The data provide the quantities of organic products
imported in Italy authorised by the MiPAAF, analyzed by product and by
Country of origin.
<br><i>Source of information:</i> SINAB