Three new regulations about the Organic Farming production were published on the Official Gazette of the European Union.

REGULATION (CE) N. 1294/2005 OF THE COMMISSION, 5 August 2005, bears
the modify of the ANNEX I of the regulations (CEE) n. 2092/91 of the
Council relating the Organic Farming production system of farm products
and the indication of such method on the agricultural products and on
the foodstuffs.
REGULATION (CE) N.1318/2005 OF THE COMMISSION, 11 August 2005, bears
the modify of the annex II of the regulations (CEE) n. 2092/91 of the
Council relating the Organic Farming production system of farm products
and the indication of such method on the agricultural products and on
the foodstuffs.
REGULATION (CE) N.1336/2005 OF THE COMMISSION, 12 August 2005, bears
the modify of the annex III of the regulations (CEE) n. 2092/91 of the
Council relating the Organic Farming production system of farm products
and the indication of such method on the agricultural products and on
the foodstuffs. (the text is important for the SEE)<br><i>Source of information:</i>