Eurostat: forthcoming meeting on “Organic farming statistics”

<div style="text-align: justify;">In the context of the permanent Working Group "Food Safety Statistics",&nbsp; next 7-8 March Eurostat, in Luxembourg, will host a Task Force meeting on&nbsp; “Organic farming statistics”. The main objective of the Task Force will be to share the experience of each Member Country related to the questionnaire elaborated to collect statistical data on organic farming (forms on operators, surfaces, animal husbandry, processing). With the new EU legislation entry into force, the questionnaire was reformulated to be adapted to the new&nbsp; application field, but until now it was used only as a draft. The Task Force meeting check will bring to a final version of the forms/questionnaire. The Italian experts will bring observations collected&nbsp; during the training period by the Control Bodies, which provide the data, and by other actors belonging to the organic sector that did express their own opinions. All these observations were already sent to Eurostat via e-mail and already partially accepted, but they will be checked again during the meeting, where some Member States will as well illustrate exercises undertaken to calculate an estimation of the quantities produced, that is the value in tons of national organic productions.<br></div><br>Source: Sinab <br>