<div style="text-align: justify;">The Region Campania
Assessorate for Agriculture and Productive Activities has called for the 2011 'Extrabio Prize'
edition. The aim of the competition is to valorize the regional organic extra-virgin olive oil
productions in the frame of the project 'Valorisation and promotion of Campania organic products:
excellencies meet consumers'.The prize is reserved to the Campania organic farms, and the initiative
is financed by MiPAAF in the context of the National Action Plan for organic farming, Action 3.1
'Promotion of organic food in the group organic catering'. For further information on the
competition, in Italian, the <a href="http://agricoltura.regione.campania.it/fiere/bando-extrabio-2011.html">…; is
here…<br><br></div>Source: Regione Campania – Assessorato all’Agricoltura.