<div style="text-align: justify;">The European Union has started a revision of the Council Regulations to bring them into line with the new rules foreseen by the Lisbon Treaty.<br>The working group at the Council met last 31st of March and discussed the proposal to align the Commission implementing powers in Reg. (CE) No 834/2007 to the differentiation between delegated and implementing powers of the Commission introduced by articles 290 and 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning the EU (TFUE) (COM (210) 759 of 17/12/2010). In such a proposal, most of the acts needed to complete the Council Regulation (about 80%) are considered as "delegated acts", i.e. the Commission shall have the possibility to take decisions consulting groups of experts, then submitting its opinion to the Council and to the European Parliament. The two bodies shall have 60 days to give their opinions on the case. The remaining part (about 20%) concerns instead the "implementing acts": in such cases, the Commission shall decide prior favourable opinion of the Member States.<br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br></div><br>