"A Discussion at the European Parliament about amendements on Reg. (EC) 834/07"

The Commission for agriculture and rural development of the EPPE, during the last meeting of 11-12 April examined the project of report on the proposal amending the Reg. (EC) 834/07 of the Council related to the production and labelling of the organic products presented by the rapporteur Martin Häusling (Verts/ALE). The deadline for the presentation of amendements expires on 18th of April. The next meeting will take place in Brussels on 2 May.<br><br>Here is a link to a file related to the proceeding:<br><br><a href="http://www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/file.jsp?id=5890922&amp;noticeType=n… file </a><br><br><br>Source: SINAB&nbsp;