The ARIMNet Project (Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean Network), funded by the European Union, aims at coordinating National Agricultural Research Programmes to strengthen the capacities of its members to address in a coordinated way the major challenges that the Mediterranean agriculture is facing. In this perspective, ARIMNet is launching a call for joint transnational research, based on funds from 11 participating countries from the northern, eastern and southern part of the Mediterranean Basin.<br>The call is fitted for large projects involving several partners from different countries. Based on a common virtual pot of around 7 million Euros, ARIMNet expects to finance from 8 to 13 projects.<br><br><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Call Topics</span><br>1‐ Production systems and their components: Developing sustainable agricultural production in a context of increasing ecological and climatic stresses<br><br>2‐ Food chain from production to distribution: Enhancing the advantages of Mediterranean agriculture in developing products with high added value<br><br>3‐ Landscape and resources uses for agricultural and environmental purposes: Sustainable management of land and natural resources<br><br><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Application procedure</span><br>The call is published officially the 20th of June 2011. Proposals should be submitted before the 25th September of 2011 via Electronic Submission System (ESS).<br><a href=""></a><br><br>The research projects have to fit with one or several subtopics covered by the call. They have to associate partners from at least 3 countries of ARIMNet participating to the call from which at least one from the 5 members of the European Union and one of the 6 South and Eastern Mediterranean countries.<br>The list of countries participating to the call, the amount available for this call and the guideline for applicants are available on the ESS website.<br><br><br>Source: Sinab<br>