Inea: now published the third edition of “L’agricoltura nel Lazio in cifre – The numbers of Latium agriculture”

<div style="text-align: justify;">This publication has now become an interesting&nbsp; issue among the different&nbsp; publications of the "National Institute of Agrarian Economy-INEA", especially in sinergy with the brochure "Italian agriculture counts". Information about the state of agriculture at Italian regional level, analyzed by the regional INEA headquArters, will soon be prosecuted with the Regions Campania, sardinia and Umbria.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1519_inea–agr-nel-lazio-in-cifre-2010.pdf">The document (in Italian)</a><br><br>Source: INEA<br><br><br>