<div style="text-align: justify;">On the occasion of SANA, the
National Rural Network (Rete Rurale Nazionale) presented the Bioreport2011, the output of the
interaction among different institutions operating in Italy in organic farming (Mipaaf, Icqrf,
Sinab, Inea, Ismea, Aiab, Federbio). The objective of the study is to give an overview of the
sector, with a specific focus on the production, the market, the rules and the public support. The
information are completed by specific elements about the sector organization, such as the
functioning of the control system or the labelling of the products. <br>Organic farming continues to
have an important position in the Italian agriculture context: not anymore a 'niche' production, it
has now captured remarkable positions in the production context, and always wider ranges in the food
market. For such a reason, after this issue giving a first overview, the Rural Network's aim in the
future is to provide a systematic update apt to outline the evolution of the sector in the context
of the Italian agriculture. All this in order to facilitate the research and the use of information
by all the stakeholders, institutions and researchers. <br></div><br>For more information, read the <a href="../share/img_lib_files/1561_bioreport.pdf">Bioreport 2011</a>
(in Italian)<br>