Mipaaf changes the rules to sampling of organic products

<div style="text-align: justify;">A new MiPAAF Decree (No.
19942, 17 Oct. 2011) modifies the Decree published on 29 Oct. 2010 related to 'Instructions to
identify the minimum requirements of procedures to taking samples of organic products to be
analyzed, following EC Reg. 834/2007, 889/2008 and 1235/2008, and successive amendments, related to
organic production and labelling of organic products'.<br>The Decree was sent to the Control
Authorities and will soon be published in the Italian Official Gazette.<br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1585_modifica-del-decreto-ministeriale-29-ottobre-2010-sulle">The
Decree No. 19942</a>, 17 Oct. 2011 (in Italian)<br><br>Source: Mipaaf&nbsp;