<div style="text-align: justify;">The EU is currently implementing the revised rules on the import regime. The first list of certification bodies approved for their operations in Third Countries was agreed on on 26/27.10.2011. The workshop helped to better understand the criteria for assessment of certification bodies and provided a platform for control bodies, accreditation bodies, authorities and traders to discuss approval and surveillance procedures under the new import system. It aimed at contributing to the elaboration of the Code of Good Practice agreed by the sector as encouraged by the Commission in the Guidelines on imports of organic products into the European Union. <br></div><br>The workshop took place at the Club of the University Foundation in Brussel at 13th of October 2011.<br><br>For all the information related to the workshop, here is the <a href="http://www.organic-integrity.org/meetings/afi-7-2011/">LINK </a><br><br><br>Source: Sinab<br><br><br>