<div style="text-align: justify;">The last Standing Conference for relations among the Italian State, the Regional Authorities and the autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, convened last 21 December, reached an agreement on a Decree proposed by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture about the computerised management of the notification of activity with the organic farming system. <br>The new measure creates the "Organic Information System" for a computerised management of all the administrative procedures related to the notification of activity with the organic farming system, defining the application criteria and integrating the existing regional information systems, many of them already computerised. <br>The Understanding on the Decree is an important step towards the simplification of the organic sector administrative system. The information flow will be optimized, and data from different sources will be integrated through the SIAN (the Italian Agriculture Information System) services computerized management.<br>The Organic Information System, developed with the technical support of ISMEA (the Institute of Services for Agriculture and Food Market) shall align to the holding file all the information related to the organic farming method of all the operators included in the organic control system. <br>Once reached a steady state, the information system will put Italy in line with the European Union requirements, and the entire list of Italian organic operators -continuously updated- will be fully available online, along with the documentary evidence, released by the Control Bodies, which gives detailed information about the certification state of every farm included in the system.<br></div><br><br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br>