European Commission: the document on controls of organic productions

<div style="text-align: justify;">The document elaborated by the Commission, in cooperation with the Member States, aims at facilitating the understanding of some aspects of the control system in organic farming. In particular, the document's objective is to link the specific legislation on organic farming (Reg 834/07 and Reg. 889/08) to the more generic legislation on official controls related to food and feed (Reg. 882/04), without in any case replacing or modifying the obligations established by the specific Regulations.<br><br><a href="../index.php?mod=normative_politiche&amp;m2id=189&amp;navId=1683">The Document</a> in English and in Italian. The Italian version (unofficial) has been translated care of MiPAAF-Organic Farming Office.<br></div><br>Source: Sinab<br><br><br>