SCOF: now available the discussion document on organic feed

<div style="text-align: justify;">During the last SCOF meeting, held in Brussels last 7-8 Febraury, the Commission specified that the document on organic feed is now under a consulting phase at TBT (<a href="">Technical Barriers to Trade</a>), a body operating within the WTO to examine technical regulations, certification standards and procedures in the different countries at world level. The document under discussion introduces some modifications to the EC Reg. No. 889/2008 rules on organic feed. The new proposals include, among others, the increase of the feed percentage that must be produced by the farm itself or by neighbouring farms, the extension of the derogation to the introduction in the breeding of non-organic pullets, and that related to the use of non-organic feed for monogastric animals. Other requests of modification refer to additives, other substances and non-organic products to be used in feed included in the EC Reg. 889/08 annexes.<br></div><br><br>The document is available to the following <a href="… </a><br><br>Source:EU<br>