A MiPAAF note about a correct implementation of the EU Regulation on Organic Farming

<div style="text-align: justify;">The European Commission has
forwarded some elucidations about the correct implementation of the EU Reg. on Organic Farming, the
MiPAAF has stransleted into an information note (No. 14017 of 20 June 2012) addressed to the
sector's stakeholders.The clarifications include the exemption from controls, the use of the code
number and the labelling of products only intended for export.<br></div><br><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1882_1881_nota-n.%2014017%20del%2020-6-12">Note No. 14017</a> of 20
June 2012 (in Italian)<br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br>