Italian organic farming data by 31 December 2011: the Minister Mario Catania supports the sector growth

<div style="text-align: justify;">"The organic market in Italy continues to growth, being one of most healthy sectors of Italian agri-food system: consumers trust organic products and recognize their environmental quality and guarantees. Data about Italian organic productions give as well a positive picture of the sector: for its organic surfaces and producers, Italy still is one of the leading countries at European and world level. But we still have to engage ourselves more, providing better structures to the productive chains, so to improve the market opportunities of the Italian productive system." <br>These are the comments of Mr. Mario Catania, the Italian Minister of Agriculture, about the first data on Italian organic productions related to the year 2011, published by MiPAAF.<br><br>The data are provided to the Ministry by the Control Bodies (operating in Italy by 31 December 2011) and then elaborated by SINAB-the National Information System on Organic Farming. A first analysis shows that Italian organic operators were 48,269 (+1.3% in relation to 2010), out of which 37,905 exclusively producers; 6,165 processors (including farms that sell directly to the public); 3,906 producers and processors at the same time; 63 exclusively importers; 230 importers at the same time producing and processing as well.<br><br>The distribution of operators in Italy sees, like in the past years, Sicily, followed by Calabria, as the regions with the highest number of organic farms, while processing enterprises are mainly located in Emilia-Romagna, followed by Lombardia and Veneto.<br>The Italian organic farming surface amounts to 1,096,889 ha, out of which 800,000 have already been converted into organic (-1.5% on 2010).<br><br>The main organic productions are cereals, forage and pastures, followed by olives, while from the animal husbandry side data show a slight increase for pigs, sheeps, goats and poultry.<br><br>The complete data of Italian organics and all the related details elaborated by SINAB will be presented at SANA – the International Fair of Organics and Natural that will take place in Bologna from next 8 September. Anticipations can be found at <a href=""></a><br><br><br>Source: MiPAAF Press Office<br></div><br><br>