<div align="justify">Marches, Molise and Lombardy have recently completed their respective regional lists of organic operators as of 2011. Such lists improve the number of the already available ones ( for the Regions: Valle d’Aosta – Calabria – Friuli Venezia Giulia – Emilia-Romagna – Authonomous Province of Trento). <br>SIAN – the Italian Agriculture Information System has also rendered available (in Italian) all the lists provided by the Control Bodies (select:“operatori assoggettati al controllo degli OdC”). The lists are available at the following <a href="http://www.sian.it/abiopubb/home/startConsElencoAziende.do">LINK</a>.<b… remind that SIAN includes also, for the year 2011, the "Documentary Evidence" for each Italian organic operator released by the Italian Control Bodies (indications are available <a href="http://www.sinab.it/index.php?mod=documenti_utili&m2id=195&navI… . <br></div><br>Source: SINAB<br><br><br>