The Minister of Agriculture comments the recent data on Italian organic sector

<div align="justify">Following the presentation at SANA
(Bologna) of the most recent data on the Italian organic farming sector, the Minister Mario Catania
commented that ' … <i>the organic sector establishes itself as capable to go in countertrend in
moments of crises. The increase in consumptions of 6% recorded in the first semester of 2012 shows
that Italians&nbsp; trust in organic productions. Three families out of four nowadays buy 'organic'.
The sector shows as well unexpressed potentialities for Italian agriculture, and we need to answer
with a wider supply of domestic products '</i>.<br><br>The Minister comments follow the ISMEA data,
presented at SANA, about the positive trend of the organic market in Italy. In 2011, purchases of
Italian families in supermarkets increased by 9%, and the positive trend continued in the first 6
months of 2012 (+6.1% in relation to the same 2011 period). The value of the Italian organic sector
is estimated at about 3 billion euro, placing Italy in the fourth position at European level,
following Germany, France and United Kingdom, and in the sixth at world level.<br>ISMEA points as
well out an increase of the number of families purchasing organic products: three out of four,
during 2011, purchased at least one organic product.<br></div><br>Source: