Presence of pesticides in the environment, transition into organic food, and implications for quality assurance along the European organic food chain – A review

The use of synthetic pesticides is not allowed in organic production, but traces of synthetic pesticides are regularly detected in organic food. To safeguard the integrity of organic production, organic certifiers are obliged to investigate the causes for pesticide residues on organic food, entailing high costs to the organic sector. Such residues can have various […]

Early life multiple exposures and child cognitive function: a multi-centric birth cohort study in six European countries

Epidemiological studies mostly focus on single environmental exposures. This study aims to systematically assess associations between a wide range of prenatal and childhood environmental exposures and cognition. The study sample included data of 1298 mother-child pairs, children were 6–11 years-old, from six European birth cohorts. We measured 87 exposures during pregnancy and 122 cross-sectionally during […]

Agronomic and genetic assessment of organic wheat performance in England: a field-scale cultivar evaluation with a network of farms

Yield gaps between organic and conventional agriculture raise concerns about future agricultural systems which should reduce external inputs and face an unpredictable climate. In the UK, the performance gap is especially severe for wheat that, as a result, has a small and shrinking organic acreage. In organic wheat production, most determinants of crop performance are […]

La fertilità della terra

E’ stata pubblicata la nuova edizione del libro “La fertilità della terra” di Ehrenfried Pfeiffer edito dalla Editrice Antroposofica, Milano, il primo e fondamentale testo dell’agricoltura biodinamica, frutto di esperienze fatte sul campo e in laboratorio, sempre tenendo conto dei problemi ecologici. “Fino a che l’uomo sarà partecipe della natura, traendo da essa il suo […]

Preventive and indirect measures to regulate woolly apple aphid in organic orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract)

The Woolly apple aphid (E. lanigerum) can cause severe damage, especially in organic cultivation; sucking activity causes bark growth, the so-called blood louse canker. Promoting natural antagonists in organic orchards is a key element in controlling E. lanigerum. Further, the tree growth should be balanced through proper (root) pruning. A combination of preventive measures and […]

Effects of riboflavin supplementation level on health, performance, and fertility of organic broiler parent stock and their chicks

RELACS – Improving inputs for organic farming – Data from breeder hens and chicks are particularly critical for the development of vitamin B2 recommendations for organic poultry. To test safe thresholds of supplementation, 100 breeder hens (Hubbard JA 57 K) and ten cockerels were allocated to ten housing groups, with each receiving supplementation of either 4.0 […]