Nutrient interactions and salinity effects on plant uptake of phosphorus from waste-based fertilisers
RELACS – Improving inputs for organic farming – Many organically managed farms in Europe have low levels of soil phosphorus (P). Arable farms that rely strongly on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) have been shown to have rather low outputs and a tendency to deplete soil P and potassium (K) compared with arable farms that have […]
Organic Farm Knowledge: Winter field peas as green manure before maize
On arable farms without livestock, nitrogen insufficiency can occur when cultivating nutrient demanding crops like maize. This can lead to yield losses and weed infestation. Use a green manure of winter field peas before growing crops that have a high nitrogen demand in the rotation. Ploughing in winter field peas in spring can provide more […]
BioFruitNet: Practices to improve soil fertility and nutrient availability in organic fruit orchards
Organic fruit orchards are dependent on commercial organic fertilizers derived from intensive conventional animal husbandry. These inputs are contentious and to be phased out. The document proposes as a solution to develop new fertilization strategies based on farm internal resources (e.g., clover based), plant-based sources (e.g., grain legumes as living mulch in the tree row, […]
The State of Sustainable Markets 2021
More farm and forestry land than ever is used to grow sustainable commodities, though the pace of expansion is slowing, the new International Trade Centre (ITC) publication finds. The growing popularity of certified goods helps ensure the production and trade of more agricultural commodities that promote environmental quality, social equity and economic prosperity. The State […]
Characteristics of organic sweet cherry rootstocks
A BioFruitNet publication – Traditional vigorous seedling rootstocks like Mazzard F 12/1 (Prunus avium L.) and Mahaleb (P. mahaleb L.) typically bear the first crop between the fourth and sixth year and achieve full production between the eighth and twelfth year, leading to delayed returns of investments. Growing sweet cherry cultivars on the next generations […]
Phosphorus sources for organic agriculture
Project RELACS – Improving inputs for organic farming. On many organic farms, especially those without livestock, phosphorus (P) exports through the sale of produce is greater than P imports through fertilisers and purchased animal feed. While soil P reserves from residual fertiliser applied before conversion to organic farming can often deliver P for decades, mining […]
A basket of options to control worms in organic sheep production systems
Project RELACS – Improving inputs for organic farming. Organic sheep producers are aware that worm control issues continue to pose a threat to their business. To a large extent, they still have to rely on dewormers to maintain the health and productivity of their animals. Research on alternative strategies for worm control can now be […]
Essential oil trials on-farm: an alternative treatment for mastitis
Project RELACS – Improving inputs for organic farming. While antibiotics remain necessary treatments against mastitis, their widespread use leads to antibiotic resistance, which constitutes a threat to public health. Many essential oils have antibacterial or anti-inflammatory properties. With the help of an advisor, dairy farmers can test alternative mastitis treatments with essential oils following a […]
Rosy apple aphid: Direct control with Neem in organic orchards
Project BioFruitNet – Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) has a fast reproduction cycle and the potential to cause major damage in orchards. Preventive measures such as promoting beneficial insects and pruning are often not sufficient. Direct control with Azadirachtin (NeemAzal®-T/S, also called Neem) decimates the population and keeps damage below the economic damage threshold. Neem […]
Nitrogen efficiency of organic fertilisers
Project RELACS – Improving inputs for organic farming. A high share of the nitrogen (N) in recycled and other organic fertilisers is not in a form available to plants and needs to be mineralized before plant uptake. This makes the effect on yields less predictable. Evaluating recycled fertilisers regarding their nitrogen efficiency compared to mineral […]