Behavioural indicators of range use in four broiler strains

Free-range systems provide an outdoor range for broilers to give them the possibility to express a higher frequency and a wider range of behaviours, such as exploration, compared with those raised indoors. Greater variability in outdoor range use between individuals of the same flock is often reported. Individual variation in range use may result from […]

Agroforestry supports high bird diversity in European farmland

Publication in “Agronomy for sustainable management” – Intensification and homogenization of agricultural landscapes have led to a strong decline in European farmland birds. Agroforestry systems, which were widespread in the past, are regaining attention as they could return structural heterogeneity to agricultural landscapes. However, few studies focus on the effects of such systems on biodiversity […]

Sustainability in organic breeding – Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes?

The briefing provides an overview of the organic food and farming movement’s understanding of sustainability in crop breeding. As IFOAM Organics Europe, the European organic umbrella organisation and voice of organic with the EU institutions, we wrote this document to assess and counter the European Commission’s narrow and problematic approach to sustainability traits in plant […]

Sustainability in organic breeding: Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes?

This briefing provides an overview of the organic food and farming movement’s understanding of sustainability in crop breeding. As IFOAM Organics Europe, the European organic umbrella organisation and voice of organic with the EU institutions, we wrote this document to assess and counter the European Commission’s narrow and problematic approach to sustainability traits in plant […]

Risk factors associated with the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in manured soils on certified organic farms in four regions of the United States

In “Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems” – Biological soil amendments, including raw or untreated manure, are currently used to improve soil fertility, especially in organic operations that prohibit use of synthetic fertilizers. However, addition of untreated manure may pose a risk of contamination of fresh produce by pathogens of public health significance, including Listeria monocytogenes. Organic […]