Intake of nutrients (polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocols, and carotenes) and storage efficiency in different slow-growing chickens genotypes reared in extensive systems
An extensive rearing system (ERS) for poultry requires an outdoor run, which enhances the foraging activity of chickens. Slow-growing (SG) strains are more adapted to ERS than fastgrowing (FG); and generally, have higher levels of bioactive compounds in their meat. The aim of this paper was to assess the storage efficiency of n-3 and n-6 […]
Reintroducing hemp cultivation in Mediterranean areas (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)
There has recently been a renewed interest in hemp from the food sector for its contribution to cropping system sustainability and farm economy in semi-arid Mediterranean environments, particularly in organic farming. However, its re-introduction into the Mediterranean environment requires the identification and improvement of cropping practices, particularly in crucial stages such as sowing, harvest and […]
Reintroduzione della coltivazione della canapa sia in convenzionale che in biologico nelle zone mediterranee
Progetto “DiverIMPACTS – Si assiste a un rinnovato interesse per la canapa da parte del settore alimentare per il suo contributo alla sostenibilità dei sistemi di coltivazione e all’economia aziendale in ambienti mediterranei semi-aridi, in particolare nell’agricoltura biologica. Tuttavia, la sua reintroduzione in ambiente mediterraneo richiede l’identificazione e il miglioramento delle pratiche colturali, in particolare […]
Preventive and indirect measures to regulate woolly apple aphid in organic orchards
The Woolly apple aphid (E. lanigerum) can cause severe damage, especially in organic cultivation; sucking activity causes bark growth, the so-called blood louse canker. Promoting natural antagonists in organic orchards is a key element in controlling E. lanigerum. Further, the tree growth should be balanced through proper (root) pruning. A combination of preventive measures and […]
FIBL: updated technical guide gives practical tips on cow-reared calf husbandry for organic and conventional
The publication describes the natural relationship between the cow and her calf and draws conclusions for the species-appropriate rearing of calves. Calf husbandry in a mother-bonded or fostered calf rearing system is of growing interest to livestock farmers. More and more dairy farmers want to leave calves with their mothers for longer and still milk […]
Crop yield response to long-term reduced tillage in a conventional and organic farming system on a sandy loam soil
The paper describes the long-term effects of practicing ten years reduced tillage on crop yields in a conventional and organic farming system context. Data were collected from the BASIS field experiment, which was established in the Netherlands in 2009 to investigate the effects of reduced tillage on crop yield and soil properties in a controlled […]
Organic farming positively affects the vitality of passerine birds in agricultural landscapes
Conventional farming has been implicated in global biodiversity loss, with many farmland birds in decline. Organic farming is often considered a more ecological alternative since it generally hosts greater faunal diversity. To date, the impact of conventional agriculture on the decline in avian species has mainly been assessed through the lens of biodiversity loss; few studies have examined the […]
Organic farming induces changes in bacterial community and disease suppressiveness against fungal phytopathogens
Published in Science Direct. Due to higher microbial activity and diversity, organic farming serves as a sustainable alternative in preventing several soil-borne plant diseases. However, there are limited studies that have shown direct relationship between soil bacterial composition and its effect on disease suppressive potential under different farming systems. Thus, the objective of the study was to […]
Controllo delle malattie e dei fitofagi in orticoltura biologica – Régulation des maladies et des ravageurs dans les cultures de plein champ
La scheda tecnica (in francese, italiano e tedesco) presenta le possibilità di controllo preventivo delle principali malattie e parassiti nella coltivazione biologica degli ortaggi da pieno campo e fornisce raccomandazioni per l’intervento diretto in caso di infestazione. Vengono presentate misure di controllo pratiche per tre colture tipiche. La fiche technique présente les possibilités de régulation […]
Organic Research Center 2023 Research Summary
In 2021-22 the Organic Research Centre (ORC) worked on 22 projects advancing research and knowledge exchange in the organic and agro-ecological sector. In doing so ORC worked with over 200 partners from across the UK and Europe. Despite the ongoing complications of accessing European funding following Brexit, ORC were very pleased that amongst these projects […]