Frutticoltura: controllo degli insetti dannosi con le vibrazioni – biotremologia (Video BIOFRUITNET)

Lo strumento affronta la necessità di nuove tecnologie per il controllo delle specie dannose nell’agricoltura biologica, in particolare nella frutticoltura biologica. La biotremologia studia come gli insetti comunicano tra loro utilizzando vibrazioni meccaniche. Gli insetti emettono e rispondono alle vibrazioni, per questo motivo le vibrazioni possono essere utilizzate per influenzare il comportamento degli insetti dannosi […]

Investigations on ribofavin production by wild‑type yeast strain for supplementation of organic feed

Supplementation of vitamin B2 (ribofavin) in poultry feeding is essential. For economic and environmental reasons, ribofavin is now produced biotechnologically, which, in most industrial production, is based on genetically modifed organisms (GMOs). Due to legislation, organic animals must be fed with GMO-free feeds, which also applies to the production processes of vitamin additives in the […]

Revision of Vitamin E recommendations for organically managed dairy cows

Vitamin E is essential and supplementation to the diet is often needed to meet the requirements of farm animals. This is particularly relevant during long indoor periods where conserved forages must be fed, as conservation can degrade Vitamin E. However, synthetic vitamins are regarded as contentious inputs in organic agriculture. Therefore, the aim of this […]

Pear sawfly (Hoplocampa brevis): catch that fly

A BIOFRUITNET- Boosting Innovation in ORGANIC FRUIT production through stronger networks publication – A Pear sawfly (Hoplocampa brevis) is a pest in organic fruit production. Eggs are laid during bloom in the flower bottom. Larvae move to 2-3 other fruits and devastate the young fruitlets. Sawflies are attracted to the white colour of the flowers. […]

Successful weaning of organic piglets

The technical guide considers the difficulties around weaning piglets and shows what measures are necessary to prevent problems and to remedy them in acute cases.

Improving veterinarian’s knowledge of animal husbandry in organic agriculture in Switzerland

There are strict guidelines and strategies for the Swiss organic sector to maintain animal health and reduce antibiotics. Veterinarians need to be made aware of these guidelines. Education and further training for veterinarians to familiarise them with organic farming strategies. A training course was developed with farmers and veterinarians about animal husbandry in organic farming. […]