<div style="text-align: justify;"><font size="2">The survey (in Italian) investigates the needs and</font><font size="2"> critical points of the sector, evaluating how the EU</font><font size="2"> Regulation has been accepted and applied by operators. The results of</font><font size="2"> the survey shall be useful as in 2013 the Commission foresees a</font><font size="2"> revision of the Regulation on organic aquaculture, but they can be useful as well to guide the support measures</font><font size="2"> for the promotion of the sector to be undertaken by national and local</font><font size="2"> administrations. Furthermore, the survey provides useful information for the different actors of the sector, from producers to consumers. The document has been elaborated with the support of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies.</font></div><p><font size="2"><br></font></p><p><a href="http://www.sinab.it/share/img_lib_files/1892_indagine_acquacoltura_bio-… "Survey on organic aquaculture" </a></p><p><font size="2"><br></font></p><p><font size="2">Source: Mipaaf</font></p><br>