<div align="justify">A Ministerial Decree (no. 4416 of 22 April
2013) for the establishment of a technical task-force aiming at guaranteeing the updating of the
list of products used as strenghteners of the natural defenses of plants, established by Mipaaf in
November 2009, will soon be published in the Official Italian Gazette. The Commission will also
provide Mipaaf with assessments and opinions concerning applications submitted by interested
parties, for the insertion or modification of the products already present in the
list.<br></div><br><br><a href="http://www.sinab.it/share/img_lib_files/2275_decreto_4416_22_4_13_corro… n. 4416
of 22 April 2013</a> (in Italian)<br><br><a href="http://www.sinab.it/share/img_lib_files/2276_dm_4416_22_4_13_allegato.p…
Mipaaf <br>