Control Bodies authorized for wine: an updated list

<div align="justify">Following the last authorizations released by ICQRF, two more Control Bodies (CBs) were recently added to the list of the Bodies authorized to operate in the wine sector (see the former news): Suolo e Salute srl and IMC.<br>The complete list of CBs operating for the certification of organic wine is thus the following: Codex srl, CCPB srl, Q Certificazioni srl, BioAgriCert srl, ICEA, Abcert srl, Bios srl, Sidel Spa, Ecogruppo srl e Valoritalia srl, Suolo e Salute srl e IMC.<br></div><br>(The list is available at the <a href=";m2id=190&amp;navId=1704&a…;