<div align="justify">The 7th edition of "Corto & mangiato", the short film festival on organic food, is underway. It was launched by the Gino Girolomoni Cooperative, the historical Italian organic reality active near Urbino (Marche), together with the Institute Santa Marta of Pesaro, the Municipality of the village of Isola del Piano, the cultural association "Territorial Ambassador of Enogastronomy" and others, with the support of the Marche Regional Council and the Province of Pesaro and Urbino.<br>The theme for 2013 is water, resource to which organic farming is related in a sustainable way, as organic farming practices help to conserve water resources and do not pollute them: water is not only a simple factor in the agricultural cycle, but a vital resource to encourage life on earth.<br><br>The competition is open to young people across Italy that can send, by March 10, a short movie where water rights are developed, as well as environmental sustainability, water and organic agriculture. A jury of 60 students from the "Santa Marta Hotelier Institute" of Pesaro will select the top 10 finalists. They will then be judged by a panel of experts, chaired by writer Andrea De Carlo, on Thursday March 21: three winners will be selected, one for each category. The award is the plaque "Montebello d'oro" (Golden Montebello) and 500 € to each winner, offered by the organic companies Rapunzel, Ki and Naturasì.<br>The awards ceremony will take place on Friday 22 March, World Water Day, on the occasion of a gala to be held in Pesaro.<br><br>More information on "<a href="http://www.cortoemangiato.com/1/corto_mangiato_2013_1384014.html">Corto & mangiato</a>"</div>