Delegation from the German Ministry of Agriculture in Italy

<P style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class=MsoNormal>A delegation from the Organic Farming office of the German Ministry of Agriculture is during these days paying a visit to the omologues in Italy: the aim is to deepen the knowledge of the Italian control system for organic farming. The visit, which&nbsp;will extend to&nbsp;several operators, control bodies and institutions in different Italian Regions: Apulia, Campania &nbsp;and Emilia Romagna, is organised in the context of the "InterBio" IAMB project with the support of&nbsp;MiPAAF and ICQ (the Institute for Quality Control in the agro-food sector). &nbsp;The report will be probably discussed within the SCOF in Brussels.</P>
<P style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class=MsoNormal><BR>Source: MiPAAF – IAMB<BR></P>