<P>This group will aim to grant the Commission technical advice to decide on the authorisation of the use of products, substances and techniques in organic farming and processing, to develop or improve organic production rules and, more in general, for any other matter relating to the area of organic production.</P>
<P>The group will be composed of 13 members appointed by the Commission from specialists with competence in the area of organic production. The Commission may also establish a pool list of candidates that could not be appointed as permanent members although they were considered suitable for a position in the group in the course of the selection procedure.<BR><BR>In agreement with the <A href="http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/agriculture/index_en.htm">Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development</A>, sub-groups may be set up to examine specific questions under terms of reference established by the group. Such groups will be dissolved as soon as their mandates are fulfilled. Sub-groups will be composed of up to seven members from the members of the group or from the pool list.</P>