<div style="text-align: justify;">The first documents elaborated by the group of experts in organic farming established in September 2010 to technically support the European Commission's SCOF have now been published. They refer to feed, fertilizers, soil conditioners and phytosanitary products: all these documents will provide technical-scientific support to the Commission decisions.<br><br>Here we include some documents drawn by the Experts' Group:<br><br>• Some Member States were requesting the inclusion of new substances in Annex V and VI of EC Reg. No. 889/08. These requests were evaluated by the Experts' Group, and here are the Experts'<a href="http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/organic/files/eu-policy/expert-recommen… Report on feed (April 2011)"</a><br><br>• The same, some Member states were asking for the inclusion (under Art.16(3)(b) of EC Reg. No. 834/2007) of a certain number of substances to Annexes of EC Reg. No. 889/08. In 2009, Italy requested to evaluate the use of protein hydrolysates, in 2010 France -supporting the Italian request to use Leonardite- presented a new request for the use of Chitin and the use of CO2 as a method to improve the atmosphere quality in the glasshouses. In 2009, Lithuane forwarded a dossier about Sapropel, and in 2010 Sweden another about Digestate from biogas. Here is the Experts' <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/organic/files/eu-policy/expert-recommen… Report on fertilizers and soil conditioners (June 2011)"</a><br><br>• The Experts' Group was deepening the subjects related to some substances/products/technical tools in line with Reg. EC No. 834/2007: some Member States were asking for clarifications about Art. 16(3)(b) of EC Reg. No. 834/07 for the inclusion of a certain number of substances under Annex II of EC Reg. No. 889/08. Here is the Experts' <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/organic/files/eu-policy/expert-recommen… report on phytosanitary products (October 2011)"</a>.<br></div><br><br>Source: EU<br>