<div style="text-align: justify;">Starting 1 July 2012, the EU
organic logo will be obligatory on all pre-packaged organic food products produced in the EU Member
States. The logo will be optional on non-packages food products. Private, regional, or national
logos will be permitted to appear alongside the EU logo.<br>The organic logo was introduced on
1 July 2010, but a two-year transition period was agreed upon in order to help operators adjust to
the new rules, and to avoid waste of existing packaging.According to a recent EuroBarometer report
on 'European Attitude towards Food Security, Food quality and the Countryside,” 24% of EU citizens
already recognize the logo.<br>The logo will contain information on the place of farming of the
agricultural materials as well as the code number of the control body.Member States supported the
idea of an organic logo with the intent of fostering the organic farming sector in 2007.<br>EU
consumption of organic products has seen a steady rise in recent years and now accounts for
approximately 2% of the EU market. <br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1888_ip-12-706_en.pdf">More information at the EU LINK</a><br><br>Source: European