The second cycle of webinars in the Feeding Knowledge context is starting.<br><a href="">Feeding Knowledge</a> is a research and innovation programme about food security, linked to the <a href="">EXPO 2015</a> scenario. To have a quick overview, explore this <a href="">video</a>.<br> <br>The webinars of the second cycle will be held by international experts on the 5 thematic Priorities of the project:<br>1) Sustainable natural resources management<br>2) Quantitative & qualitative enhancement of crop products<br>3) Socio-economic dynamics and global Markets<br>4) Sustainable development of small rural communities in marginal areas<br>5) Food consumption patterns: diet, environment, society, economy and health<br> <br>The fourth one will be focused on Priority 1 and it will discuss:<br> <br>Water scarcity, climate change and challenges for food security in the Mediterranean <br>Keynote speech by Prof. Luis Santos Pereira Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Unversidade Técnica de Lisboa<br>The webinar is free and will go live on May 29 th from 15 to 16 CET.<br> <br>To attend the Webinar please click on subscribe <a href="">here</a> . The registrations will be closed on May 29th at 12:00 (CET)<br><br>In order to participate, you only need a computer with internet connection, headphones and the attitude to share your ideas on this subject.<br><br>If you want to check out our previous webinars, just click here <a href="">https://www.feedingknowledge.n… <br></a><br>Follow Feeding knowledge on Facebook <a href=" "> </a><br><br>and Twitter <a href=""></a…; free to forward this announcement to your contacts!<br> <br>Best regards,<br>Feeding Knowledge Team<br> <br>For more information and to send us a request to join the network: <a href="mailto:"></a><br><br>