FIRAB: A prize for doctoral dissertations in organic and biodynamic farming

<div align="justify">The Italian Foundation for Research in
organic and biodynamic farming (FIRAB) announces the 7th FIRAB award for&nbsp; thesis in organic and
biodynamic farming.<br>Research and innovation in organic farming received, in the past
competitions, the support of many ideas, ranging from farmers to researchers pioneers up to the
students who chose&nbsp; organic for their university or specialization. For this reason, also in
2013 FIRAB has decided to continue the interesting competition.<br>The Prize aims at promoting the
work of young graduates who have distinguished themselves through theses that testify research and
studies&nbsp; able to qualify and increase the amount of available scientific, technical and
intellectual information for the progress of the organic sector.<br>The competition&nbsp; awarded in
recent years a significant number of scholarships, through the cooperation of different
institutions. The 2013 edition, open to nominations for experimental theses discussed in the course
of 2012, sees the collaboration of Banca Popolare Etica which plays a particularly important role
both for its contribution in the strategic support of organic farming and for the continuation of a
common path with FIRAB initiated since the Foundation establishment. <br>The award takes into
considderation authors who choose as their theme organic and biodynamic farming in any respect:
cultivation techniques, farming methods and animal welfare, environmentalimpact assessment,
biodiversity, sustainability, market analysis , marketing, etc..<br>Applications must be submitted
by September 28, 2013, and the winners will be invited by the end of 2013 to accept the award at a
public event sponsored by FIRAB and Banca Popolare Etica.<br></div><br><br>To download the Notice of
competition click <a href="">HERE</a><br>&nbsp;