<div style="text-align: justify;">7-8 November are the dates of
the first national congress of the Italian Network for Research in Organic Farming (RIRAB). The
title will be: 'Organic farming as an answer to future defies:support to research and innovation'.
Through this initiative, RIRAB waqnts to promote growth and diffusion of scientific research and
technological development of organic farming, a sector continuing to grow in Italy. Registration at
the congress is free, and contributions from researchees, consultants, distributors, etc. are
welcome until 30 May (an abstract) and 15 September 2011 (the full paper). The selection of the
works will be undertaken by 30 June, and all selected canidates will receive, by 8 July, a specific
communication with all detailed information.Instructions, agenda and other information can be found
in the <a href="http://www.rirab.it/index.php/Ultime/primo-congresso-rirab.html">RIRAB web site
</a>. <br></div><br>Source:RIRAB