GERMANY: the growth of the organic sector

<div align="justify">Organic farming in Germany continues to record a consolidated growth, despite the difficult economic situation of 2012. The agricultural surface dedicated to organic farming increased by 1.8%, and the percentage of organic farms increased by 2.2%. This is the overall picture emerging from 2012 report of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV). At the end of 2012, the organic hectares in Germany were 1,034,355, with a total of 22,932 organic farms. Overall, the percentage of organic farms on the total number of farms in Germany grew up by 7.7%, while the organic UAA&nbsp; increased by 6.2%.<br><br>Concerning processing and import, in 2012 the German organic sector&nbsp; consolidated its position in the context of the&nbsp; agro-food industry. The number of processing plants exclusively dedicated to organic increased, compared to 2011, up to 8,293 (+3%). The number of importers as well increased by 3.7%, reaching&nbsp; 308, while the number of companies that process imported organic products reached 891 (+4% compared to 2011). As an overall, the total among growers, producers, processors, importers and trading companies, controlled and certified, involved in the organic sector,&nbsp; reached 34,899 units.<br><br>2012 data show that the German organic market continues its global growth, with a steady increase in both demand and production. Within the EU, Germany has always been a big market for organic products. Since 2000, when the area under organic farming was 546,000 ha, the extension has almost doubled, while sales of organic food have tripled, from&nbsp; 2.05 to 6.6 billion Euros per year.<br><br>&nbsp;<br>More information can be found at the site BMELV<br><br>Source: BMELV – BLE<br></div>