<div style="text-align: justify;">The National Institute of Agricultural Economics (INEA) will hold next 19 December a seminar entitled: "ORGANIC AGRICULTURE SUSTAINABILITY". During the seminar INEA will present the results of its research project "Indicators and methodologies for sustainability: the case of organic farming", a project funded by MiPAAF.<br>The event will also provide an opportunity for comparison among operators and experts on the implications of the evolution of agricultural policies for the development of the sector, taking into account the importance of sustainability in the European strategy for the development and the new CAP.<br></div><br>For organizational reasons, please indicate your participation writing to: <a href="oggianu@inea.it">oggianu@inea.it</a>.<br><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/2093_loc_seminario-isobio_2012.pdf">The seminar program</a><br><br><br>the National Institute of Agricultural Economics – Via Nomentana n. 41 – Rome<br>