<div style="text-align: justify;">The project 'Interbio', financed by Mipaaf and coordinated by CIHEAM-IAMB, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, has recently published an interesting overview of the organic Italian productions on domestic and international markets. The publication, in Italian, can be downloaded from the site: www.interbio.it . <a href="http://www.interbio.it/share/img_download/22_pubblicazione_interbio_dic… another recent issue, a look to the Brazil market, (always in Italian) can also be found, searching in "Conoscere i mercati" ("know your markets") <a href="http://www.interbio.it/scheda-paese,207,208,3,brasile.htm">LINK</a> .<br></div><br>Source: InterBio<a href="http://www.interbio.it/share/img_download/22_pubblicazione_interbio_dic…;