Ismea: a note on the March organic market

In 2010, the Italian consumptions of packaged organic products
have again recorded an increase (+11.6%) in value, the highest in the last eight years. For organic
unpacked products the Ismea data are related only to fresh fruit and vegetables, and here the
increase was lower (+8.1%). A growth higher than the average was recorded for the purchase of diary
products, analchoolic drinks, sweets and snacks (around +13%).<br>The consumption of organic
products is mainly localized in the Northern Italy, where more than 70% of the overall value is
concentrated. But in 2010, North-East and Mezzogiorno recorded the most relevant growth. From the
distribution point of view, hypermarkets continue to push sales, but also other channels (especially
traditional <br>shops) present interesting results.&nbsp; <br>The profile of the 'organic' consumer
continues to be that of&nbsp; young persons, not belonging to large families, with a medium-high
income, but who do not purchase organic products regularly.<br><br><br>Source: Ismea