Ismea: organic consumptions in Italy: + 9% in 2011

<div style="text-align: justify;">Organic products' consumption
in Italy grew well in 2011: Ismea-Gfk-Eurisko indicate an increasing in expenditure of 8.9% on
annual basis, a light slowdown in relation to 2010, but in clear countertrend with the overall
consumption of 'conventional' food.&nbsp; The dynamics, including all the organic packaged products
sold in the supermarkets, result from differed trends: increases can be found in diary products
(+16.2% in 2011), eggs (+21.4%), other products such as biscuits, sweets and snacks (+16.1%) and
analchoolic drinks (+16%). <br>Fresh fruit and vegetables recorded lower increases (+3.4%), but in
any case remain the 'guidance category' among organic products, reaching a incidence on <br>the
total of about one/third in terms of value. Pasta, rice and bread substitues' consumptions have
decreased (-3.2%), with a special negative balance for pasta, whose purchases reduced to 11% and
more. Even for meat and sausages the decrease has been constant (-8.2%), as well as for the oils
(-18.6%) and the <br>category 'sugar, coffee and tea'&nbsp; (-3.4%).<br>In the end, consumptions
indicate a variegated picture in 2011 dynamics, still confirming -inside the single productions-
that eggs, yougurt and milk cover more than 30% of the monitored products: they recorded important
increases in relation to 2010. Each Italian Region showed an increase in the consumption of organic
products during 2011, higher in the South (+11%), but the Northern regions continue to show the
highest rate, 70% of the total, confirming their vocation to consumption, while the centre and the
south confirm their vocation to production. In Italy, the turnover linked to the organic market
amounts to around 1 billion 550 million euro: Italy is at the fifth place after USA, Germany,
France, UK and Canada. Following the last estimates, the turnover at world level is around 44.5
billion euros.<br>On the structural plan, Italian organic crops covered (2011) about 1.11 million
ha: Italy has lost its primacy as Spanish organic surfaces reached 1.46 million ha. At world level,
Italy is number seven on the total of the organic surfaces, estimated at around 37 million
ha.<br></div><br><a href="[… Report</a> (in Italian)<br><br>Source: ISMEA<br><br><br>