Ismea: the Italian organic market in April

<div style="text-align: justify;">During January and February 2011 the output prices of organic products showed to be stable. Concerning consumptions, with reference to packed products, the general situation is variable in relation with the end of 2010 and the first two months of 2011 while, for unpacked fruit and vegetables, prices showed an increase. Consumers appear to have further increased their purchases for home consumption: +13% for packed organic products, +11.6% for fresh and unpacked fruit and vegetables. Confronting organic products with conventional ones, prices of organic products presented a slower increase, while organic products consumptions looked like increasing in relation to consumption of conventional products, even if during the examined period some sectors (bread, olive oil, yogurt) did show opposite trends.<br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1367_1360_news-ismea-aprile.pdf">The document (in Italian) </a><br><br>Source: Ismea&nbsp; <br>