<div style="text-align: justify;">During April 2012, prices at the source of Italian organic products recorded a substantial stability. The tendency was a compensation between negative variations of the fruit and vegetables sector and the positive ones of the other sectors. Only in some of the husbandry sectors (cows, milk, eggs) it was the contrary. <br></div>Prices at consumers' level for the main products in the supermarkets showed a slight decrease especially as a trend for fruit and vegetables, and extra-virgin oils. An increase is perceived for direct selling prices, especially reated to rice and eggs.<br><br><a href="http://www.sinab.it/share/img_lib_files/1782_news_biologico_2012_04.pdf… organic products No. 4/12 – 26 April 2012</a> (in Italian)<br><br>Source: ISMEA<br><br><br>