<div align="justify">During July and August 2012, prices at the
source of organic products in Italy recorded a light increase as a tendency, in relation to the same
period of 2011. Especially during August, this increase was mainly due to the fruit and
vegetables sector, olive oil, eggs and, at a lesser level, to the cereals.<br>Always with reference
to the prices at the source, organic products vis-à-vis of the conventional, in July, recorded a
higher inflation trend. The contrary was only for some livestock sectors (cattle, eggs) and olive
oil. <br>Prices at consumers' level in the supermarkets, and for the main products, showed a
stability and, as a tendency, a substantial increase, due (in August) to the fresh fruit and
vegetables sector and, to a lesser level, to processed cereals.<br>Prices of direct sales in
July and August 2012, recorded a tendency to the increase, especially due to the increase
recorded by the fruit and vegetables and eggs sectors. <br></div><br><a href="http://www.sinab.it/share/img_lib_files/2040_news_ismea_8_12.pdf">The July-August market note</a> (in Italian)<br><br>Source: ISMEA<br><br><br>