Ismea: the organic market note of June 2011

<div style="text-align: justify;">In April 2011, the organic products output prices were growing. At cosumption level, in relation to March and April 2010, prices of the main packaged products appear slightly decreasing while, considering families consumptions, they have increased all over the first four 2011 months for organic packaged products (+11.5%), a little less (+9.2%) for fresh and unpacked fruit and vegetables. In a comparison with the conventional sector, analyzing related data, the output prices of&nbsp; organic products look like increasing less than the corrisponding conventional ones. In general, at consumption level it is always the contrary. Finally, the Italian families continue to prefer organic products (better performances) instead of conventional ones.<br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1513_ismea_news_biologico_n.%206_giugno%202011">The market note (in Italian)</a><br><br>Source: Ismea<br>