Italy at Biofach: growing importance for the "made in Italy" organic food

<div style="text-align: justify;">Italy's presence at BioFach this year will consist of 402 operators, plus an istitutional presence of the Italian Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry&nbsp; Policies. The Ministry's stand occupies 260 sq.m : it has been organized by Buonitalia in the context of the "Italian organic food style" project. It will be the&nbsp; place for meetings, seminars and tastings.<br>The visiting card of the Italian "organic" presence at BioFach can be resumed in the following words: "Improve farming development, guaranteeing food safety and very high quality productions". "<span style="font-style: italic;">The Italian organic food, in the last years, has captured&nbsp; always more&nbsp; consistent spaces in Italy and on&nbsp; international markets, thus contributing to increase the value of the brand 'made in Italy'</span>" wrote the Italian Minister of Agriculture Giancarlo Galan in a message sent upon the inauguration of the Nuremberg Fair to introduce the Italin organic sector. The Minister indicated as well&nbsp; that "<span style="font-style: italic;">… even in the critical times we are living at present, organic is increasing its market share, offering our Country the chance to come to the fore at international level</span>".&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>The Italian stand shall include a restaurant "à la carte", where visitors will have the opportunity to taste the best of the Italian organic productions. <br>Italian organic productions are still leader in Europe, with an increase in domestic sales up to 12.1% in 2010 (Ismea). <br></div><br>Source: Mipaaf<br>&nbsp;