Last SCOF: Italy presented its Decree on the limits of residues on organic products

At the last 'Standing Committee meeting on Organic Farming' (Brussels, 29-30 March) the Italian delegation introduced the new Decree no. 20804 on the limits of residues on organic products (the <a href="../share/img_normativa_politica_files/487_decreto_contaminazioni.pdf">DM</a> and its <a href="../share/img_normativa_politica_files/488_decreto_contaminazioni_allegato.pdf">annex</a> here in Italian), asking for a Commission intervention to harmonize the matter among all the Member States. The issue raised a lot of interest among the MS delegations, that appreciated the Italian initiative. The Commission promised to deepen the question, judged by everybody very important and for too a long time neglected. <br><br><br>Fonte: SINAB