<div style="text-align: justify;">It has finally been completed
the list of organic operators under the Italian control system, with their related Documentary
Evidences for the year 2011. The list (in Italian) can be downloaded <a href="http://www.sian.it/abiopubb/home/startConsElencoAziende.do">HERE</a>.<b… 2011 lists
were rendered available through the Control Bodies (CBs are available selecting their type under
“Operatori assoggettati al controllo degli OdC”). The list ”Elenco nazionale operatori validati
dalle Regioni' (National list of operators validated by the Regional Authorities) will include the
list that the Regional Authorities have started to send to the system, and which are not yet fully
available.<br><br>To visualize each operator's 'Documentary Evidence' form please select the
“Dettaglio sede” (Detail about residence) and then click on 'Documento giustificativo' and then on
'Apri documento' (Open the document).<br><br><br>The list of the Italian organic operators follows
the EU requests formulated through Reg. 426/11: Italy conforms to it one year in advance of the EC
compulsory dedadline for its publication.<br><br><br>The online notification MANUALS can be
downloaded <a href="../index.php?mod=documenti_utili&m2id=195&navId=1699">HERE.
</a><br>Source: SINAB</div><br>